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The Hotel Front Desk / Re: Please forgive me
« Last post by Sarah Edwards on November 23, 2013, 09:59:42 am »
Welcome back!
The Hotel Front Desk / Please forgive me
« Last post by Quinn Barrett on November 23, 2013, 04:24:59 am »
I am so sorry it has taken me so long to return!  Things got complicated!

The Hotel Front Desk / OOC I will be gone
« Last post by Quinn Barrett on October 25, 2013, 03:50:13 pm »
Hey everyone
Ive just found out that I will be without Internet until Nov. 3
So that's Quinn,  Jason Curtis, Brandon Gage and Wesley Harper
Sorry,  I ' ll really miss you guys,
The Hotel Front Desk / Re: Taking Tanisha?Curtis to the office with me
« Last post by Jason Curtis on October 12, 2013, 03:48:06 pm »
(You ARE Tamera, silly!  ;)  But no, since it's hard on Tanisha, I thought I'd leave her in after school care until the normal time, then go and pick her up)

"If I hadn't had to take time away to come and deal with you being naughty, sneaking out of after care, and then sneaking into the adult exercise room, I wouldn't have to work extra.  But what you do affects the whole family Tamera hope.  You need to think about that!"

(I'm going to continue this in their suite)
The Hotel Front Desk / Re: Taking Tanisha?Curtis to the office with me
« Last post by Tamera and Tanisha on October 08, 2013, 11:33:52 pm »
Tamera sighed she caught the use of her middle name again and figured she was in deep doodoo but she wasnt ready to back down daddy lead Tamera down the hall she said again"daddy please dont work late I want you to be home with us!"

(are you stopping to get tamera on way?)
The Hotel Front Desk / Re: Taking Tanisha?Curtis to the office with me
« Last post by Jason Curtis on October 08, 2013, 11:02:52 pm »
"Tamera Hope, be quiet, please!  We'll discuss that at home," Jason said another goodbye to Mr. Bowes and took Tamera back to their suite.
The Hotel Front Desk / Re: Taking Tanisha?Curtis to the office with me
« Last post by Tamera and Tanisha on October 04, 2013, 11:29:33 pm »
Tamera looked up at daddy she didnt want him to work extra, that time was to be spent with her and Tanisha. "Daddy you cant work extra, please im sorry."
The Hotel Front Desk / Re: Taking Tanisha?Curtis to the office with me
« Last post by Jason Curtis on October 04, 2013, 06:51:36 pm »
"Everything will be ready, Mr. Bowes.  I'll work on my days off and early and late. The system will be ready, sir, whatever it takes.  I'm sorry this has taken up so much of your time.  If you'll excuse us, we'll be going now."
The Hotel Front Desk / Re: Taking Tanisha?Curtis to the office with me
« Last post by MikeBowes on October 04, 2013, 01:14:15 pm »
Smiled and said "Thank you I accept your apology" and Jason I hope you will be making this up
on saturday on your day off to get all of our computer equipment on track.. Its almost time for the first good
snow storm of the year and we need to be at 100% compliant for every check in procedure and their can't be
any bugs in the system

Mr B
The Hotel Front Desk / Re: Taking Tanisha?Curtis to the office with me
« Last post by Tamera and Tanisha on October 04, 2013, 12:33:06 pm »
Tamera wasnt expecting daddy to turn her and spank her infront of Mr Bowes.  She squirmed but it all happened so fast. 

Tears sprang to her eyes as she saw the look in daddys eyes.  She didnt want to risk more spankings here.  She looked at Mr Bowes and said quietly "Im sorry, It wont happen again sir" she hoped the apology would satisfy daddy...
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